Income Online

With over 3 billion people online world wide, it makes sense to  learn how to build income online. How do you earn money the internet?


I’ve Tried Different Ways to Earn Income Online.

Have you always wanted to work from home controlling you time, making money. Me, too! I have tried:

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Multi Level Marketing     
  3. Satellite Sales
  4. Door to Door Sales




getting started with a new payment

In the MLM’s, I earned money for other people.

Products I represented in MLMs were great.  There  were cleaning products, household goods, utilities, air cleaners and various memberships.

The difficulty was that all MLMs emphasize recruiting new MLMers over moving products.  This meant continuous recruitment meetings and constant training new recruits.

I enjoyed meeting new people.  I also enjoyed leading meetings, but the time commitment compared to the money earn was overwhelming.

So an MLMer does two main things.

  1. An MLMer must promote their products to make sales.  Family and friends are soon saturated so promotion means cold calls, new customers.
  2. An MLMer must always be recruiting.  This must be done to maintain a network because people leave.  As well, this must be done to grow  the network.

I couldn’t do both well.

Satellite Sales

Satellite sales are simply selling products that are provided by someone else.

I have sold a couple of wonderful products among them very innovative work trailers of all sizes.  There are 4 issues in satellite sales.

  1. Satellite sales require money to purchase or rent “demonstrators.”
  2. They require a place to exhibit the product.
  3. The product supply is controlled by the manufacturer.
  4. The product and sales location need to be marketed.

All four of these issues were made satellite sales tough for me.

Door to Door

Door to door sales are door to door sales.  I sold encyclopedias for a summer before going to college.  I made 0$s.

As with other sales methods, there are pros and cons.  The main pro is that you don’t usually have to purchase huge amounts of product to be successful.  The cons far outweigh this:

  1. You have to make constant cold calls.
  2. Most sales are not repeat.
  3. You will probably have a limited sales territory.
  4. You have to answer all questions about the products when asked.
  5. You are often in some very unusual and uncomfortable situations.

I did not like being a door to door sales person.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a simple way way to build an income online. You advertise for  a retailer to earn a commission. This can be seen on most major websites like Yahoo. There are some great advantages to affiliate marketing over other types of sales.

  1. No product to purchase.
  2. Affiliate relationship are usually free.
  3. No marketing costs because links and banners are provided.
  4. No shipping after sales.
  5. The customer base is world wide.
  6. No experience necessary.

When I found Wealthy Affiliate (WA) , it looked different so I did some research asking:

“Why Should I Try Wealthy Affiliate?”

  1.  WA is FREE!    ……..    Two free websites & 10 free lessons
  2.  WA is Proven.  ………    WA is 11 years old.
  3.  WA requires Minimal Registration Info.  …….. no Credit Card
  4. WA provides easy to follow, in depth training on affiliate marketing.
  5.  WA does not dictate website content.  ……. I choose my domain name.
  6.  WA does not dictate how fast I progress.  …… I learn at my pace.
  7.  WA does not sell extra stuff. …….   There are no WA products to buy.
  8.  WA is a hosting site.  …….   I need a hosting site to have a website.
  9.   WA is internet based.  …….  I can access all of WA from anywhere.
  10.   WA is internet based. …….  I can work anywhere in the world.
  11.   WA promotes affiliate marketing.  I don’t need to purchase product.
  12.   WA links with Word Press.  …….  I will learn Word Press.
  13.   WA requires no commitment.  ….. I can stop anytime at no cost.

 I realized that I had nothing to loose by getting started. 

Neither Do You.

Three Easy Steps to Getting Started

  1. Click “Sign Up Now” below.
  2. Sign Up
  3. Click “Get Started.”

getting started at wealthy affiliate

Please write questions or comments in the comment section of the blog posts.  Share your thoughts and experiences of working from home.  What would you do at home if you could?