Making Money

Making Money Isn’t Difficult


 Products and Services

Most websites provide some content.  Many also earn revenue for their owner.  You may have asked how can I start making money online.   Wealthy Affiliate (WA) teaches how to make money through a website.  The most common way to make money through a website is  to sell your products and services or to sell someone else’s products and services.  WA teaches  how to do both.

USCurrency_Federal_ReserveBuilding Traffic

Of course, if a website is offering products for sale and content to read, people must visit the website.  WA teaches how to drive traffic to your website.

Social Media

A great way to build traffic to a website is through social media.  WA teaches how to use all forms of social media to get visitors to a website.

Interesting Content

Website content must be interesting and current.  Visitors should want to participate in the content of a website.  WA teaches how to encourage comments on content and how to track and respond to each comment.

Making the Complex Simple


Any new concept can be confusing.  The implementation of newly learned skills can be intimidating. WA’s support system allows every participant to offer advice to all other participants.


Multiple Sites

Everyone has many interests that would make interesting websites.  WA encourages the development of multiple sites to focus on multiple subjects.

Build Your Site

You choose your domain name based on an interest.  WA leads you through the steps of building a menu, planning content, adding pictures and monetizing your site with everything centering on your interest.

Interest Builds a Website

If you aren’t interested in your topic…. your niche…. you won’t want to work on your website adding content and improving the look.  Your interest will build a visitor’s interest.  That interest will translate into purchases and referrals.  Making money online can be a difficult process.  WA eliminates most difficulties for you leaving only your interesting website to attract your customers.
making money online at Wealthy Affiliate