Easy Online Business Startup Idea

This article is about the online startup business phenomenon.  Markinblog.com states that there are at  least 26 million eCommerce sites on the web today.  This is more than double the number existing three years ago.  We will look at why have there been millions of start-up businesses world wide over the last 3 years.  As well, we will examine what goes into a start-up business.  From there, we will look at the most popular e-commerce start up models.  The article will also suggest the most practical online startup business model.


What is an Easy Online Business Startup

A startup is really any new business.  It might not be a unique business. But, a startup is new.  Often, people think that a startup can only be an e-commerce business.  This is not true.  A local woman recently began to design her own line of jewelry.  At first, she sold the jewelry by word of mouth from her home.  She had created a business startup.  A startup business model can be completely original or similar to another model.  As long as it is used in a completely new business, it is considered a startup.  The person who creates a startup has a new idea. Or, they think they can present an existing idea in a new way.  Primarily, they are beginning.  This article will focus on the nature of e-commerce startups.

Why So Many Startups

Why have there been an extraordinary number of e-commerce startups over the last few years?  Interestingly, 3 unprecedented things happened in the world during that time.

  • The pandemic caused the world to stay home.  In many cases, the only way to obtain goods and services was through the internet.  Many businesses developed e-commerce startups to survive.
  • Many traditional jobs went away.  Out of necessity, people thought up e-commerce business models and created at home startups.
  • During this time, many people had a major shift in their life view.  Consequently, people left their traditional jobs in favor of working from home with more freedom and more life control.

Every kind of business popped up on the internet from online meal ordering to medical consulting.  It will be interesting to see how the world returning to normal will affect e-commerce.


Six Things that Go Into An Easy Online Business Startup

animated-thinking-smiley-image-00121. Any startup is based on the idea that people need a product or a service.  For example, Ben and Jerry simply decided to make a different, more intensely flavored ice cream.

2. The second thing that is needed for a startup is money.  Research and development is expensive.  The capital to move from  idea to sales is huge.

3. Next, people need to know about great product in the world.  A marketing strategy is necessary.

4. A delivery system is what gets the product to the customer.  Whether the product is a toy or therapy, there has to be a way for people to access it.

5. A payment method allows the startup to make money.  Creating a payment method can be complex because it also must allow for the return of payment if necessary.

6. Any startup needs customers who want the product or service that is offered.  USAtoday.com offered a comical list of 50 recent products that no one wanted.

This simple list is absolutely the bare minimum needed to create a startup.

Popular Startup Models

Despite the huge number of e-commerce startups, there only 5 basic business models.

  • Subscription – payment for reoccurring purchase of a product or service
  • Direct Sales –  creating, marketing, shipping the product or service
  • Drop-Shipping – Purchase, sale and delivery of someone else’s product
  • Affiliate marketing – marketing someone’s product for a per sale commission
  • Interaction – online or real time participation in an activity

Affiliate Marketing an Easy Online Business Startup

That definition of affiliate marketing shows a simple, effective business model that anyone can start.  Not only that, every person that uses a browser on the internet knows affiliate marketing.  Consequently, there is worldwide trust in this business model.  Think about Google, Yahoo and other websites.

Affiliate marketing has a number of advantages over other online business startup models.

  • Very low business overhead  –  only web hosting related tools.
  • No inventory.
  • Products and services marketed can be anything on the internet
  • No shipping or returns.
  • Don’t accept product payment.
  • No huge startup cost
  • Over 5 billion potential customers on the internet

If being your own boss as you work from home sounds good, affiliate marketing might be for you.  Wealthy Affiliate, a world wide affiliate marketing platform, will ….

  1. Teach you how to earn commissions marketing products for retailers.
  2. Give you a free website to create your startup.
  3.  Present ten free lessons on how to create an affiliate marketing startup.
  4.  Help you to build your startup for 7 days.
  5.  Help you to decide if affiliate marketing is for you.
  6.  If it is, all the tools, 24/7 technical support, complete access to community expertise, the Jaxxy Keyword search program, over 100 video lessons and ongoing trainings are available to you for $49 monthly.  You can even try all this for one full month at less than half price.

Just Click on the Banner


Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

A Wealthy Affiliate Online Business will brighten your future.   Ask yourself a few questions right now.

Could I use extra income?

Do I have some spare time?

Can I connect to the internet?

Can I follow instructions?

Would a Free Starter program be helpful?







If you answered “yes” to 3 out of 5 of these questions, check out Wealthy Affiliate.   Just click here.

It’s Free to Try… no credit card needed. Just your name, email and a password to name your free website.  

What is a Wealthy Affiliate Online Business?

Wealthy Affiliate is a web hosting site offering you training and support to start your own online business.  A better question is:  What business can I create at Wealthy Affiliate?  You can create your business on anything that interests you using Wealthy Affiliate training.

What is an Affiliate Marketing Business Plan?

Google, Yahoo, Bing, You Tube, Paltalk and hundreds of other major websites market thousands of products for other companies.  Those sites earn commissions for marketing products.  They are affiliate marketers. 

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to become an affiliate marketer with the Starter Program mentioned above.   Through Wealthy Affiliate training and support, I started an online fishing equipment business.

Wealthy Affiliate Online Business is the best.I love to fish and with many decades of experience, I know fishing equipment.  Because of Wealthy Affiliate, I sell fishing equipment online as an affiliate marketer.  I don’t buy inventory.  There is no shipping of fishing equipment because the manufacturer does that.  I don’t have to worry about receiving money from any customers.  Best of all, I don’t get any customer complaints.

What Do I get at Wealthy Affiliate?

That’s quite a list.  If you register today,  you will be eligible for discount on all the premium services for one month so you can try them all.

To get started, just click on an image and follow these 7 steps

  1. Create your free account with your name, email and a password.
  2. Select an image to prove you aren’t a bot.
  3. Write your goals.
  4. Watch the introduction and free video classes.
  5. Choose your Free Domain Name.
  6. Create your Affiliate Marketing Business.

What are the 10 Free Video Lessons About

The Free Video Lessons are the 10 lesson course that you see below.  By the time you are done, if you have watched all the videos and done all the related practical work, you will have a great foundation for a long term and very lucrative online business.

This course teaches the Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

For me, Wealthy Affiliate was the opportunity of a lifetime.  With no experience, I created a successful online business.  You can too.  If you register through a link on this site, I will be your mentor as you create you affiliate marketing business.


Home Business Idea Marketing BioCare CBD

Marketing CBD is a great home business idea because it has many health benefits.  BioCare CBD has a free program that allows anyone to distribute CBD products online or through direct sales.

Marketing CBD is a Great Home Business Idea

What is CBD?

Harvard Health Publishingpain relief is a home business idea  reports that “CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. ”

The article goes on to say that CBD does not cause a “high.”  There is no evidence home business ideaof dependence or side negative affects of CBD use.  All 50 states have legalized the medical use of CBD with some having restrictions.

CBD is delivered in a variety of forms including concentrated oils, rubs, balms and sprays.  It even has applications for pets.

What is BioCare CBD?

BioCare CBD is a privately owned company founded in 2016 in Largo, Florida.  The company has two major goals.  The first is to inform people about the benefits of legal CBD and make it easily available.  Secondly, the company hopes to create successful home businesses through  a direct sales affiliate program.

The first goal is met by offering a wide variety of CBD products for wellness, pain relief, skin care and even for pets.  All CBD in these products is grown and extracted in the United States.  All ingredients in all BioCare CBD products are natural.

a good home business idea

The CBD BioCare direct sales affiliate program is free to enter. It offers up to 20% commissions.  There are a variety of sales kits for direct sales.  The affiliate program is easy to apply to any affiliate marketing business.  Everyone in the CBD BioCare program receives discounts on all products.  BioCare has good marketing tools and business incentives.  Because it is a privately owned company access for questions, help and suggestions is easy.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is receiving commissions for advertising products.  Every time a product is purchased through your link, you receive a commission from the company producing that product.  Affiliate marketing is the main way income is earned on the internet.   Every time you see a product ad on Google or  Yahoo, that is  affiliate marketing.  Click the link below to begin affiliate marketing.

Why Combine CBD BioCare and Wealthy Affiliate?

  • Both programs have a free start-up.  You can up-grade in both to access all program tools.
  • Both programs offer extensive instruction and good support.
  • The tools provided by both programs are easily accessible and user friendly.
  • Wealthy affiliate  teaches how to work with affiliates.  BioCare offers a great affiliate program.
  • Wealthy affiliate creates successful businesses.  BioCare offers a great business opportunity.
  • Both Wealthy Affiliate and CBD BioCare help people.

home business ideaJoining CBD BioCare and Wealthy Affiliate is a great home business idea.home business idea

Make Money Online Marketing BioCare CBD

The combination of Affiliate Marketing with BioCare CBD is a great way to make money online and share the healing properties of CBD.

Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing of BioCare CBD.

There are many programs that help people make money online any where there is internet access.  One popular method for making money online is affiliate marketing.  People become affiliates of companies and receive commissions for marketing products.

Affiliate marketing is a great way for making money online income because:

  • Inventory is not needed . You promote products for companies.
  • No shipping is required. Companies ship their own products.
  • You accept no payments. Companies receive payment for products.
  • Commissions are paid on each purchase made through your website.
  • There is no limit to affiliate relationships that you can establish.
  • Your customer base is world wide – everyone on the internet.
  • You can build your business on something that interests you.

Continue reading

Make Extra Money- Online Business

  Is there an easy way to make extra money?

Easy Way to Make Extra Money- Does it Exist?

The answer is: “not really.” Earning money always take some thought and work.  The trick is to find an easy way to make extra money that works for you.  Find something you enjoy doing.

This is an easy way to make extra money

It would be great to find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.   It probably won’t happen.  So, you need to think an an easy way to earn extra money.


             If you already have a part-time job in mind,

 It may seem like an easy way to earn extra money.  You may even have experience at that job.  There are 8 types of part time jobs.

Part Time Jobs:

  1.  Caregiver – helping someone usually in their home.
  2.  Clerk – waiting on people usually in a retail business
  3.   Driver/Delivery – a private driver or delivering goods or materials
  4.   Food Service –  cook, wait staff, kitchen staff
  5.   Laborer – usually on a construction site
  6.   Office worker – filing, greeting
  7.   Online business – creating and maintaining a website
  8.   Teacher – teaching or helping in a classroom

10  Things that make earning easier. 

  1. A plan to make extra money shouldn’t cost much.
  2. Free training should be provided.
  3. A free test period should introduce the program. 
  4. You should be earning money even when you are not working.
  5. There should be good personal and technical support available 24/7.
  6. All the money earned should stay with you.
  7. Making unlimited money should be possible.
  8. There should be an incentive for recruitment.
  9. Participants should be able to share experiences and offer advice.
  10. There should be a  bonus if you do extremely well.

What Job Fits All 10?

 How Do Different Part-time Jobs Compare?

         According to the U.S. Census Bureau, at least 13 million people have more than one job.  About 6.9% of this number, according to the Census Bureau have more than 2 jobs.

Most people will take whatever job they can get.  All 8 job types provide extra income, but only one  meets most of the requirements for making earning easier.  The website “LearningEnglish.voannews.com” reports that one out of every four Americans made money in some way last year by accessing the internet.  The Internet is the only category that meets all 10 requirements for a great part-time job Online-Business.  

There are several ways to earn money online.  Take time to explore the online methods for earning money.

Affiliate Marketing is a Great Way to  Make Money Online Because:

  • There are  billions of potential customers.
  • There are billions of different items being bought.
  • Stores pay commissions to websites selling their goods or services.
  • Shipping and returns are handled by the company not the website. .
  • Payment is made through the company not the website.
  • Commissions are paid directly the website owner.
  • No inventory is required.
  • A website earns money 24 hours a day.

If you learn how to make money online, billions of people will be your customers.   Bring Customers to you through this simple, free plan. Check it out.

Online Sales Made Easy

Do you sell things?  Have you used Craigslist or Ebay or Letgo, etc.  Would you like to sell online to almost 4 billion customers around the clock.  Read about how online sales made easy helps millions earn through their computer.

Online Sales Made Easy

Direct Sales can be any online sales made easy by following simple,animated-computer-image-0178 step by step lessons.  Ultimately, you are selling a product you have developed or purchased to sell.  Because you make sales directly at the website, this business is called “Direct Sales.”

Drop shipping is a variation of direct sales with the purchase at one site and shipping from another site.  Because of this, this method is called “drop shipping.”

Even with online sales made easy in every way possible, you have to collect payment, send receipts, ship product and handle customer.  For sure, that’s a lot of work.  However, authors, auto shops, major retailers, pet shops, travel agencies, almost any business you can name,  offer their products and services to the almost 4 billion people who use the internet.   What are the pros and cons of this business? Continue reading

Free Keyword Generator

Starting a business is expensive.  An internet business, may not include costs for a store front or cash register, but there are expenses.  Each expense must be examined.  Its is necessary?  Is it needed now?   A free keyword generator is a great tool for an internet business.

Click on any image or link for more information.

Why Keywords

“The primary way people find your website by searching on a search engine like Google. If you don’t have the right keywords, you won’t rank well for anything related to your website, and people won’t find you.”   Taken from: An inbound now.com post by David Wells; May, 2013

In an August, 2013 article, Yola.com stated,

Keywords are very important for every business website … theydrive targeted web traffic to your business for free. … Keywords are the words and phrases that Internet users type into search box of a search engine … to find what websites that match what are looking for.” Continue reading

Asking Questions – Always Makes Sense

If you want to begin an online business, you need to be asking questions.

Did you know that there are almost 100 times as many frequently asked questions on bed bugs on the internet as there are frequently asked about online business?  People don’t ask enough questions before starting an online business.

Click any image or link below for more information.

Why Online Business? 

asking questions about business

There are thousands of successful “brick and mortar” businesses.  Some are franchises.  Some are huge box stores.  Others are small businesses.  They all have operating costs such as:

  • Office space costs
  • Equipment costs
  • Janitorial Costs
  • Maintenance costs
  • Employee Costs
  • Marketing Costs
  • Inventory Costs
  • Office supply costs
  • Government Operation Costs
  • Local Business  Operation Costs

That’s a long list of costs.  Every $ goes to those costs before profits.

Online Business reduces costs.

  • Office space is usually in the home and often is a tax write off.
  • Equipment already in the home can be used.
  • The family is the janitorial service.
  • There are usually no extra maintenance costs.
  • There are usually no employees.
  • Marketing on the internet can be done at no cost.
  • Businesses can be run with no inventory.
  • There are minimal office supply costs.
  • Government fees still do not apply to internet businesses.

Internet business are popular because they have low overhead and a world wide customer base.  

Asking questions about online business.

Asking Questions About Any Online Business Opportunity is Important

You should be asking questions about an online business before jumping in.

Question #1:  What Kind of Business Do I Want?

Ask, “Does this business interest me?”   Working with your interest or passion doesn’t seem like work.  List a few of your interests.  Can you build a business around one?

I built my business on something I love, fishing.

Question #2:  How Much Time will the Business Take?

Some opportunities involve weekly meetings.  Some require ongoing training.  Other require many hours to recruit.  Some opportunities ask you to figure out how much time you can commit.

Of course, the more time you can put into a business, the faster it will grow.

A business should not have a negative impact on your life.  No time, may mean this is not the right time for an online business.

Question #3: How Much will the Business Cost?

There are free starter programs with upgrades.  Start up costs can range from $25 up to $500.  There can be “up sells”  like literature or sales kits.  There can be optional services to purchase.  Still other opportunities are completely free.

Know the actual cost of each opportunity.

Question #4: How Much Can I Earn?

This is not the most important question.  It doesn’t have an answer.   Earnings are always unpredictable. If a business opportunity promises you riches, its probably not real.

Question # 5:  What Do I have to Do?

This is a better question than #3.  You are asking, “What is this business?” Find out exactly what happens in the business.  You may not want to do it.

You might have to lead meetings for recruits.  You might have to answer dozens of questions.  You might have to build a website.  You might have to write articles.  Do you want to do it?

This goes back to question #1.  If you aren’t interested, don’t do it.

If its something completely new to you, you may want to give it a try.

Question # 6: Is There a Support System

Sometimes, you are alone in a business.  Other programs offer some training and then you are on your own.  Some have sponsors that work with you for a period of time.  Some programs offer continuing courses by program developers and program members.  In some programs, your support system receives a bit of compensation from your earnings.

Technical support is very important.  How easy is it to get technical help if your business site goes down?  Can you ask someone technical questions?

You should feel comfortable asking questions about program support.

I am asking questions about online business.

Questions Answered? – Take the Opportunity

 If you like all 6 answers, give the opportunity a try.

My Recommendation

I made a list of what I wanted in an online business.

  • Free Trial ….. Optional Upgrade
  • Something that Interested Me
  • Good Training
  • Something that Fit into My Time
  • No costly upgrades
  • No costly Inventory
  • Something New to Try
  • Great Support
  • A Way to Make Money

I have looked at dozens of internet business opportunities and tried a few.

Wealthy Affiliate Met All My Requirements

  • I could build my business around my interest…. fishing.
  • I could work as much or as little as I wanted.
  • I could make money.
  • I could get all the training I wanted.
  • I didn’t need inventory.
  • I didn’t have to buy anything extra.
  • I could get great support

Earn Through Affiliate Marketing

Ever wondered, “Affiliate marketing what is it?”  No? That’s probably why you don’t have an affiliate marketing business yet.

asking questions on affiliate marketing

Just go to Yahoo.  Every ad you see is an affiliate marketing ad.   You can do that.  The ads will be on your site.  You will earn the commissions.

Take a Look at the WA Training

asking questions about fishing

asking questions about this business

Take a Look at WA Website Hosting

asking questions about hosting.

Wealthy Affiliate offers all the training, support and tools you need to build a successful online business.  

Take a moment to leave a comment about this page.  Would you like to start and online business?  What questions do you have?  

this banner helps asking questions about WA

Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC asking questions

Best Online Business – 5 Steps to Success

Dozens of websites promise Financial Freedom.  They all use one of 6 business models ….. Affiliate Marketing, Direct Sales, Gaming, MLMs, Surveys and Shopping.  Which is the best online business model?


 Click any image or link below for more information.   

Follow these 5 Steps to Financial Freedom 

Step 1.  Choose the Best Online Business Model for You.

As you research the 6 business models, remember that a good online business needs:

  • low overhead
  • low cost or no inventory
  • no personnel recruiting
  • no profit sharing
  • passive income
  • multiple earning opportunities

Spoiler Alert: Affiliate Marketing meets all the above.

Continue reading

Internet Business – Good, Bad, Ugly

Internet World Statistics, an online periodical,  states that 50% of the world’s population uses the internet.  About 80% of that group buys online.  So, about 30% of the world’s population uses internet businesses of some kind.

internet business online

Internet Income

According to Mintel.com, 70% of Americans shop online.  Social Times, reviewing online shopping trends, estimates that 2.5 million dollars is spent on the internet every minute,

1.5 billion dollars per hour.

That’s a lot of money.

Internet use has grown, world-wide, over 900% since 2000. It continues to grow.  Much of that growth is through wireless internet business.

Owning an internet business makes sense.

Internet Business

There are  basic attractions to internet business.

  1. You have customers around the whole world.
  2. You control expenses and profits.
  3. You make the business decisions.
  4. You can develop a green internet business.
  5. You set the terms for your work day, your time off, vacations, etc.

At work, you might think, “Why do I have to do that?”   “I wish I could take today off.” Start an internet business.  You wouldn’t have to and you could.

Here are 5 of the most popular internet business ideas.

Free Lance Writing

Find free lance writing jobs online.  Wfreelance internet businessrite  product reviews or technical articles.  Be a grant writer.  Magazines need copy editors.  Pay: Per word or article.   Pros: Work at home on your time.  Cons: Work is usually not steady.  You have to keep writing.  Your topics are assigned.

Multi-Level Marketing

MLMs are not completely online.  You earn two ways.  You sell a product or multi-level marketing internet businessservice.   You earn from the sales of your network. Products include make-up, vitamins, legal services, cleaning products, utilities and fruit.  Pay: Commissions on sales; small commission on sales of your network  Pros:  Good products.  Set your own schedule. Reasonable commissions  Cons: Constant recruiting and training; purchase of marketing/ training materials

Affiliate Marketing

You display the products of retailers on your website.  Most major websites like Yahoo display this type of marketing.  After joining an affiliate plan, you  use links and banners to display products and specials.  Pay: Commission on each affiliate sale  Pros: No overhead, no inventory, no costs related to products, work at home, world wide access to your website, choice of products, minimal product revision and  no network.  Your profits are yours.  You have your own website.  Cons: It takes time to build website traffic.  You need a website.

Online Polls

pollin internet businessesA number of online companies specialize in product and service opinion surveys.  You complete surveys stating your preferences. Pay:  You can be paid per survey completed.  Often you receive points that can be redeemed for products.  Pros:  Work at home.  No inventory.  Cons: You won’t qualify for every survey.  Taking surveys gets old fast.  Pay is minimal.

Online Shopping Discounts

Discounts are offered on purchases of products.  Pay: Payments is the amount of the discount  Pros:  No inventory, no experience needed, discounts can be acquired anytime  Cons:  Products are designated, discounts are minimal.

Best Choice for Your Internet Business

Affiliate Marketing

You can probably make money at any of these internet businesses.

Affiliate marketing offers the most potential.  Every product imaginable can be represented.  Website content can support affiliate products.

When choosing an Affiliate Marketing Program, check:

  • Program format
  • Instruction
  • Tech Support
  • Costs
  • Opinions of others

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is the best affiliate marketing program because of:

  1. Free Starter Memberships.
  2. Word Press version for creating a websites.
  3. Great Tech support
  4. Community  expertise.
  5. Practical, Free Lessons.
  6. Two Free Websites.
  7. Live video lessons.
  8. Live chat.
  9. Program blogging.
  10. No upselling.
  11. Reasonable priced Premium membership.
  12. Multiple websites through the Premium Membership.
  13. Personal support by the two program founders.

WA is an internet business

Registration for the Starter Membership is Free and Easy.  Just click the button above.  Enter your name and email address and choose a password.  No credit card is needed.

Share you thoughts about this page in the comment section.  Have you had an internet business?  Are you interested in an internet business?  


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Black Friday Sale – Tuition Reduced 50%

This Black Friday Sale could change your life.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics names Web Development as a top 25 growth industry through 2024.  Gallup reports that 29% of people in the world are self-employed.

This sale puts you in both categories as soon as you join.



Tuition 50% Off – 3 More Days

Higher Education

Would you check out a 50% off Black Friday Sale?  How about a 50% off sale on a higher education program?  What about a 50% off sale on a higher education program that helps you start your own internet business?

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The most comprehensive online training program on the internet.  Learn website building and internet business development…..        50% off until midnight November 28th.

A full year of learning at Wealthy Affiliate is usually $389.  The Black Friday Price is $299, just 82 cents/day.

Here’s What You Get

  • All the training you could ever need – 1,000’s of training modules
  • Full Access to the Online Entrepreneur Certification (and all 2017 updates)
  • Full Access to the Affiliate Bootcamp (and all 2017 updates)
  • 10,000’s of monthly discussions and Q & A’s
  • Live Classes Weekly (52 awesome new classes coming in 2017)
  • The Full SiteRubix Website Suite including SiteHealth, SiteComments, SiteFeedback, SiteDomains, SiteEmail, SiteManager, and some NEW features.
  • Ability to host up to 50 Websites on our industry leading Managed Worpress hosting platform.
  • Unlimited Access to the WA keyword research tool
  • Ability to Network with 800,000+ fellow aspiring and successful entrepreneurs
  • Direct access and mentoring from the founders (Kyle & Carson)
  • Communication and access to expert, 24/7 community help
  • Access to BRAND NEW platforms (coming in 2017)
  • Access to BRAND NEW training (coming in 2017)

No Tuition – Free Starter Program

You might visit a university before paying your tuition.  You might research a training course before you pay any fees. You might want to experience Wealthy Affiliate before you pay for tuition.

Wealthy Affiliate offers you a way to experience the program at NO COST.

In fact, you can create your website and build your internet business and NEVER PAY ANYTHING. 

Just click on the banner below and experience the WA Starter Membership at    NO COST.

Not the Black Friday Deal.

Compare Free & Premium Programs
Black Friday Deal Compared to Starter Program

Black Friday Sale Bonus Features

Bonus #1: FOUR Weeks of Live Training: Becoming an Authority Online, 2017 Style.

Over 5 hours of LIVE training on becoming an authority online in 2017.

Live Class #1: The Fundamental Foundation of Online Success in 2017
Date: December 2nd, 2016 @ 5PM PST

Live Class #2: Be Great at Something in 2017 (Not Everything)
Date: December 9th, 2016 @ 5PM PST

Live Class #3: Nailing the Formula for Success in 2017
Date: December 16th, 2016 @ 5PM PST

Live Class #4: Increasing Productive, Efficiency & Scaling Your Business in 2017
Date: December 23rd, 2016 @ 5PM PST

Bonus #2: Live Class: Kyle’s First Day of School.

Date: December 30th, 2016 @ 5PM PST

Kyle is going to be offering you over an HOUR of insights into the things he has learned over the past 14 years being in this business.

Bonus #3: The Unexpected Path to Success in 2017

Over 80 minute walk-through outlining the “unexpected” things that you should do for an online business, but probably don’t.

This video bonus will be delivered INSTANTLY upon upgrading.

The sale runs November 25th – November 28th (at MIDNIGHT).  Join today.   This deal will be gone before you know it!

Share your thoughts about this page.  Could this training change your life? Would the Starter Program be best for you?  Should you jump right in?

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Easy Money – Earned Money

Google the words “financial freedom.”  There are lots of sites that promise quick wealth and easy money.


Easy Money

“Twelve Easy Steps to Financial Freedom”, “Nine Ways to Build Wealth Fast” and “A Ridiculously Simple Way to Build Wealth” are just a few.

No Easy Money

Some sites offer advice on using money.  Some reveal the wealth building secrets of millionaires or offer money making plans for a small investment.  Unless you win the lottery or inherit money, you have to earn your money.

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Earn It

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) will teach you a realistic way to earn income online called “affiliate marketing.”  You will earn commissions by linking website visitors to retailers.  What exactly does that mean?

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Take a look at: http://fishingluremart.com  … my internet business   Click on a lure.  That’s affiliate marketing.

Earned Money

Start Your Internet Business

You can start an internet business on any subject by doing 3 things.

  1. Create and maintain a website.
  2. Establish affiliate relationships.
  3. Market your website.

WA helps you do all three by providing:

  • Lessons in website creation, affiliate marketing, site ranking & marketing.
  • Tools  like Word Press, Keyword Tool, Rapid Writer, Live Chat, question protocol, tech support, referral tracking,  free websites, web hosting and tools-red not for easy moneywebsite comments and feedback.
  • Community through live chat, blog posts, private messaging, classroom discussions and the WA ranking system.

Build Your Internet Business

You can build an business.   You can “earn.”  Here are some “words to earn by.”

Learn, Do, Write, Ask, Think, Change, Create, Choose, Try, Persevere, Receive

WA is not a gimmick.  It’s a site that teaches you how to earn an income.  Earning may take awhile, but you can start your business today.  A free Starter Membership provides 2  domain names and 10 lessons on creating a business.

Give yourself a gift.  Give yourself a Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership.

Take a moment to share you thoughts on this page in the comment section below.   Would you like to earn extra money?  Would you want to start an internet business?

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