Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

A Wealthy Affiliate Online Business will brighten your future.   Ask yourself a few questions right now.

Could I use extra income?

Do I have some spare time?

Can I connect to the internet?

Can I follow instructions?

Would a Free Starter program be helpful?







If you answered “yes” to 3 out of 5 of these questions, check out Wealthy Affiliate.   Just click here.

It’s Free to Try… no credit card needed. Just your name, email and a password to name your free website.  

What is a Wealthy Affiliate Online Business?

Wealthy Affiliate is a web hosting site offering you training and support to start your own online business.  A better question is:  What business can I create at Wealthy Affiliate?  You can create your business on anything that interests you using Wealthy Affiliate training.

What is an Affiliate Marketing Business Plan?

Google, Yahoo, Bing, You Tube, Paltalk and hundreds of other major websites market thousands of products for other companies.  Those sites earn commissions for marketing products.  They are affiliate marketers. 

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to become an affiliate marketer with the Starter Program mentioned above.   Through Wealthy Affiliate training and support, I started an online fishing equipment business.

Wealthy Affiliate Online Business is the best.I love to fish and with many decades of experience, I know fishing equipment.  Because of Wealthy Affiliate, I sell fishing equipment online as an affiliate marketer.  I don’t buy inventory.  There is no shipping of fishing equipment because the manufacturer does that.  I don’t have to worry about receiving money from any customers.  Best of all, I don’t get any customer complaints.

What Do I get at Wealthy Affiliate?

That’s quite a list.  If you register today,  you will be eligible for discount on all the premium services for one month so you can try them all.

To get started, just click on an image and follow these 7 steps

  1. Create your free account with your name, email and a password.
  2. Select an image to prove you aren’t a bot.
  3. Write your goals.
  4. Watch the introduction and free video classes.
  5. Choose your Free Domain Name.
  6. Create your Affiliate Marketing Business.

What are the 10 Free Video Lessons About

The Free Video Lessons are the 10 lesson course that you see below.  By the time you are done, if you have watched all the videos and done all the related practical work, you will have a great foundation for a long term and very lucrative online business.

This course teaches the Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

For me, Wealthy Affiliate was the opportunity of a lifetime.  With no experience, I created a successful online business.  You can too.  If you register through a link on this site, I will be your mentor as you create you affiliate marketing business.


20 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

  1. I heard many mixed messages about Wealthy Affiliate and I just have to find out myself what is it all about and thanks to you, you made my day. I love the face that with Wealthy Affiliate training, you can just pick your interest and build yiur business from there. I am going to check out those free 10 lessons and take it from there. 

    • The great thing is that folks can give it a try without any kind of financial commitment.  Thanks for commenting.

  2. Pardon my french but HOLY S_ _ _ _ ! Thank you soooo much for providing this review for naive users like myself. I am someone who just came from Clickbank university and I had a really terrible luck with it because a lot of those products are iffy and they upsell you a lot… which I hate I can see that Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t do that so thank youuuu

    • Wealthy Affiliate is just a platform helping us create what we want. Thanks for taking the time to comment.  I hope you don’t mind. I just altered your expression a bit.

  3. Haha thanks for the article my guy! It’s super reassuring to see that you support Wealthy Affiliate.. it’s actually the platform I’ve been using for about three months now! I haven’t found much success with it yet, as my site’s only two and a half months old.. but, I’m sure that with enough hard work and dedication, I’ll be there in no time! 

  4. I have recently joined wealthy affiliate too (in November 2020) so not been on it that long but the training on it is by far one off the best I have had on creating your own online business!

    Also the community on it is amazing! They are always there for you if you need any help. So even though I haven’t had much success with it as my site is still new, I know that I have gained some skills and knowledge joining wealthy affiliate

    • I am happy to hear that your WA experience so far has been good.  Keep taking the lessons and doing the related practical work.  All the best.  Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  5. Hi James.  Thank you for this great review of Wealthy Affiliate!  I really like that the training is easy to follow and “Step-by-step”.  It is also laid out in a way that is easy to follow and the community is amazing!  Anytime any has a question about anything they need only ask and someone is bound to be on and able to help 24/7/365.  Thanks again!

    • Tom, thanks for taking the time to read that article and comment.  For me, WA has provided the learning and challenge that I needed after retirement.

  6. Hello there! Well I have to commend you for pulling this review together! Beautiful. I agree with every piece you have written here. I started using wealthy affiliate since the beginning of this year! Best decision so far! The community have been really lovely and ready to help at any given time. Helpful trainings too

    • When I first started, all of this was completely new to me.  I enjoyed learning and now I am enjoying building my business.  Thanks for commenting.

  7. This is encouraging me to get busy with some training. I keep hearing and reading about these great features of Wealthy Affiliates platform and what I like about it is the training and support. I browsed the website, and I am liking what I see. The actual work doesn’t seem to be difficult and I am reading up on the affiliate marketing which will enhance my earnings as I operate my business on my website. Thank you for the walk through

  8. I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for over a year now and I recommend them 100%!  I was not looking for this opportunity, if you had told me about affiliate marketing, I wouldn’t have even know what you were talking about.  But it was free and I could use some extra income, so I decided to take a look.  The 10 free lessons were a gateway to a new world for me.  I went from knowing nothing about this to setting up my own website, writing content, and learning how to monetize it.  The thing I love about the 10 free lessons is that you can find out if this is something you want to do before you pay a penny.  You could even take what you’ve learned and strike out on your own.  I encourage everyone to take a look.

    • I had the same experience.  I knew nothing about affiliate marketing or setting up a website until WA.  Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  9. I can only recommend a Wealthy affiliate. At first, I hesitated whether to try it or not. Today is less than 14 days since I created a website thanks to wealthy affiliate and today I had over 300 pageviews on my blog. And I’m not some great writer.
    your post is greatly recommended and I hope that when people read it, they will join our community.

    • Hey, Tessa.  It’s great to hear that your blog is doing so well.  WA is the right place to be.  Thanks for taking the time to write a comment.

  10. Your review is quite thorough and shows the benefits of joining Wealthy Affiliate to build a business.

    I have been a member of WA for over 4 years which shows how valuable I find it. In fact, I upgraded to the Premium Plus when it became available and find that even more worthwhile!

    The training at WA is incredible and worth way more than the membership cost. However, just as beneficial is the great community. Anytime I have a question, several members jump in to answer quickly, usually within a minute or two. 

    Thanks for providing such a comprehensive review and one that I can easily share with others who might be interested!

    • I have enjoyed being challenged by WA to learn something completely new.  It’s been well worth it.  Thanks for commenting.

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