Top Online Business Tools Traffic Generator

No matter what online business you own or create, certain top online business tools are a must for success.  Tools need to build a successful online business parallel the tools needed for a tradition “brick & motor business.   By the way……top online business tools are important

Top Online Business Tools

Every business provides a product or service in a “niche”  or area of expertise. There are  Online tools to help define a business niche.   Every business has a place to provide the product or service.  whether its a truck, an office building, a store front or a website.  Of course, customers are essential.   There are also tools for all the  business things like billing, ordering, customer service.  Traditional and online business has these things in common even though they may look different.

This articles will look at some top online business tools to generate traffic.

Generating Traffic Online

Newspaper ads, mailers, telephone campaigns, billboards and word of mouth are traditional ways to advertise.  These methods worked locally and maybe regionally, but not nationally or internationally.  Social media and mediums like Pinterest have the potential to reach millions of people.  A very small percentage may respond and become a customer.

Free online programs can be found to generate traffic interested in your product or service.

Traffic Ad Bar is a program that allows Online Business Owners to advertise to other owners sharing traffic as websites are shared.

Udimi is a free program that enables people to develop leads with specific target adds.

Udimi - Buy Solo Ads

Cash Juice enables owners to build a lead directory while surfing through hundreds of member websites and earning rewards.  This program is free.

Ad Messenger  is basically a free social media program for online business people worldwide.

Leads Leap is a free, but complex system where members interact to obtain leads.

These brief descriptions cannot begin to explain the function or value of the these 4 free systems.  If the tutorials are followed, and the system employed, leads are generated and contacts made.  These systems are only useful for an online business.

17 thoughts on “Top Online Business Tools Traffic Generator

  1. Hello there! Happy holidays to you too. I am glad to have come across this! Generating traffic online really ain’t easy, especially for newbies. I have set up my website, made my first post. So to get in traffic on my site, all I have to do is sign up for one of these online business tools?

    • You can sign up and check out which one fits you.  I used all of them, but I find that the one similar to facebook in terms of posting suites me best.  Two of them are fairly complicated, but they work because you are dealing with hundreds of other businesses.  I hope it goes well for you.  Thanks for the comment.

  2. Hello there, Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece of information with us. These top online business tools can really help one generate enough traffic. From experience, I have seen that when you have found your niche, take note of like 2-3 of these platforms and use them to boost the traffic of your site. It’s not really compulsory that you must have all of them. I really aprreciate this work a lot. Keep up the good work mate.

    • As i decided which to use, I tried them all so I shared them all.  I think people need to use what they enjoy using and what works for them.  Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.

  3. Getting traffic to your site is very important to help your business grow and there are lots of ways to drive traffic to your site that I really like. Of all the you have mentioned, I am only familiar with cash juice and so far it has proven to be a very good tool for me and those who have been making use of it and I’m happy about it’s genuine nature. 

  4. Thanks a lot for the article, it came at the right time and not only because of the holiday. I really needed a way to generate traffic and boom I saw this article. Thanks a lot. I’ve heard about Cash Juice so it’s the first I’m going to check out and good thing it’s free. I hope I just get what I want. Thanks again for the article

    • Its good to check out the programs and make sure they are for good for what your need. Thanks for commenting.  Have a great holiday.

  5. Thanks for sharing this amazing article, it will be a great opportunity for people who are into online businesses and have websites because generating traffic to your website definitely guarantees how successful your business is gonna be, so these tools are gonna come really handy of if help. To a lot of people.

  6. I agree with you on this relevant tools. When it comes to doing online business you need tools. Social media will help reach a wide range of individuals but tools like Traffic ad bar and order traffic exchangers are very vital tools. I have used leadsleap to build my list and current earn good income from the platform 

  7. Very good advice! Starting a new site is cool and all, but the traffic part is a mystery as there are just so many sources to explore but I’ve heard of CashJuice before multiple times and I have to admit, it does sound promising. Just to get it right, since CashJuice is free, that means I can simply share my website and all of the members there will know, right?

    • We just have to start building traffic somehow and work from there.  Have a wonderful holiday and thanks for commenting.

  8. Happy holidays to you as well my friend. Traffic is certainly an important part of being successful online, no traffic = no sales. I am at a stage where I am looking for some more ways to generate traffic, I will have to look into a few of these options, thanks for the post.

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