Affiliate Programs Pay Commissions

Affiliate programs for movie theaters, restaurants, on line programs, even travel sites pay commissions to independent sites which point customers to them.  You have seen examples of this here already.

Affiliate Programs  are the Key



Wealthy Affiliate encourages affiliate programs.

A banner ad like the one above can link to a membership registration.  As well, a link in the text of a site page can achieve the same results without being quite so intrusive.restauranat

The purpose of any website is to offer information.  That website can produce income if monetized with relevant products related to the website content and helpful to readers.

Online Shopping Sites are Often Affiliates

Everyone has a favorite online shopping site.  If the site is not a retailer, chances are its an affiliate member shopping site selling products from wholesalers or retailers as an affiliate member.

Why not be your own affiliate market place?  By joining retailers’ affiliate programs, you can sell products, related to your website content.  Visitors to your website will not have to search other sites for the products they want.

Affliliate Memberships should be Free

Although there are requirements for most affiliate memberships, the membership should be free.  With a legitimate website, business model and email, you can become an affiliate marketer.

Wealthy Affiliate Hosts and Supports Websites

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) hosts websites.

WA provides a platform for working with Word Press, benefiting from the expertise of thousands of online entrepreneurs and developing multiple websites as time and interest permit.

With a free website and 10 “Start Up” lessons, WA moves a participant from a novice to a new internet entrepreneur.  The new entrepreneur can take the information and run with it developing an  internet business at no cost.

Advanced  lessons, numerous video trainings, live webinars and comments from experts can be accessed to form a strong foundation for a growing business.

Wealthy Affiliate is an Affiliate Program, too.

Tell others about WA through your website. Wealthy Affiliate pays you a commissions for referrals.

  • $1 for each person who completes there registration
  • $8 for each person who upgrades through the $19 First Month Special *
  • $23.50 monthly reoccurring for each premium upgrade*
  • $175 annually reoccurring for each annual upgrade*

* Premium Member Commission.  Starter Members – 50% of the commission

WA teaches you how to find referrals and earn commissions through the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp.

Get Started Today!

Click the link above to access the 10 hour free website and training program.


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