Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

A Wealthy Affiliate Online Business will brighten your future.   Ask yourself a few questions right now.

Could I use extra income?

Do I have some spare time?

Can I connect to the internet?

Can I follow instructions?

Would a Free Starter program be helpful?







If you answered “yes” to 3 out of 5 of these questions, check out Wealthy Affiliate.   Just click here.

It’s Free to Try… no credit card needed. Just your name, email and a password to name your free website.  

What is a Wealthy Affiliate Online Business?

Wealthy Affiliate is a web hosting site offering you training and support to start your own online business.  A better question is:  What business can I create at Wealthy Affiliate?  You can create your business on anything that interests you using Wealthy Affiliate training.

What is an Affiliate Marketing Business Plan?

Google, Yahoo, Bing, You Tube, Paltalk and hundreds of other major websites market thousands of products for other companies.  Those sites earn commissions for marketing products.  They are affiliate marketers. 

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to become an affiliate marketer with the Starter Program mentioned above.   Through Wealthy Affiliate training and support, I started an online fishing equipment business.

Wealthy Affiliate Online Business is the best.I love to fish and with many decades of experience, I know fishing equipment.  Because of Wealthy Affiliate, I sell fishing equipment online as an affiliate marketer.  I don’t buy inventory.  There is no shipping of fishing equipment because the manufacturer does that.  I don’t have to worry about receiving money from any customers.  Best of all, I don’t get any customer complaints.

What Do I get at Wealthy Affiliate?

That’s quite a list.  If you register today,  you will be eligible for discount on all the premium services for one month so you can try them all.

To get started, just click on an image and follow these 7 steps

  1. Create your free account with your name, email and a password.
  2. Select an image to prove you aren’t a bot.
  3. Write your goals.
  4. Watch the introduction and free video classes.
  5. Choose your Free Domain Name.
  6. Create your Affiliate Marketing Business.

What are the 10 Free Video Lessons About

The Free Video Lessons are the 10 lesson course that you see below.  By the time you are done, if you have watched all the videos and done all the related practical work, you will have a great foundation for a long term and very lucrative online business.

This course teaches the Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

For me, Wealthy Affiliate was the opportunity of a lifetime.  With no experience, I created a successful online business.  You can too.  If you register through a link on this site, I will be your mentor as you create you affiliate marketing business.


Buy Bitcoin Build a Fortune

Buy Bitcoin!  Good advice that brings up two obvious questions. “What is Bitcoin?” and  “Where can I buy bitcoins?”

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a type of crypto currency.  buy bitcoinhref=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency”>Cryptocurrency is digital currency that can be acquired online, used as payment online and converted into traditional currency.  The value of Bitcoin goes up and down much like gold or silver.  Value depends on how many people are buying at what price. People buy and sell fractions or pieces of a Bitcoin.  For as little as $10, you can buy Bitcoin and begin building a fortune.

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Wealthy Affiliate Secrets Revealed

Wealthy Affiliate has been the most questioned business development plan on the internet. Finally, members are revealing whether WA is an MLM, a Network Marketing Scheme or a great idea.  Now, information is coming out about affiliate marketing and its impact online.  Is WA really a business training site or is it a scam?  The truth about the Wealthy Affiliate hype will shock you.  Read more or click the

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Online Sales Made Easy

Do you sell things?  Have you used Craigslist or Ebay or Letgo, etc.  Would you like to sell online to almost 4 billion customers around the clock.  Read about how online sales made easy helps millions earn through their computer.

Online Sales Made Easy

Direct Sales can be any online sales made easy by following simple,animated-computer-image-0178 step by step lessons.  Ultimately, you are selling a product you have developed or purchased to sell.  Because you make sales directly at the website, this business is called “Direct Sales.”

Drop shipping is a variation of direct sales with the purchase at one site and shipping from another site.  Because of this, this method is called “drop shipping.”

Even with online sales made easy in every way possible, you have to collect payment, send receipts, ship product and handle customer.  For sure, that’s a lot of work.  However, authors, auto shops, major retailers, pet shops, travel agencies, almost any business you can name,  offer their products and services to the almost 4 billion people who use the internet.   What are the pros and cons of this business? Continue reading

Wealthy Affiliate University – Great Income Potential

Business for Home, a site for home business owners, says that a home business starts in the U.S. every 12 seconds.   Home business income is about 427 billion yearly.  Because 4 billion people use the internet, 80% is from online income.  So, Wealthy Affiliate helps you get your part of that online income.

WA provides:

  1. A Free Trial with 2 websites and 20 business development lessons.
  2. Technical Support
  3. Personal support through Live Chat
  4. Word Press
  5.  Keyword Search
  6.  Affiliate Links and Banners
  7.  Regular on-going topic specific training
  8.  Website Feedback System
  9. Web hosting

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Blogging- Learning and Earning

 Blogging is writing a series of articles on a particular subject.  Anyone who writes a blog is a blogger.  Bloggers write about about a cause, an idea, an interest, an event or activity.  Consequently, there are thousands and thousands of blogs and bloggers.

Could You Be A Blogger?

Philip Bump, writing for the Washington Post online, in March of 2015 suggested that there are millions of bloggers in the United States.  However, he points out that it is difficult to arrive at a number because no specific blogging tool is used to carry bloggers to the internet.  Social media allows everyone to be kind of a blogger.

Accidental Blogging

Blogging on social media is usually informal.  People post about an interest or an event a few times.  They soon move on to other topics.  But, they are blogging when they write several posts related to each other.   Is social media the place where you share about things you have done?  Do you tell the world about family events or favorite restaurants?   As you travel, do you document trips.  Do you post about your achievements?   You’re blogger at heart. Continue reading

Free Trial Membership

Training is an important part of learning to do anything.  From learning to tie our shoes to free trial membershiplearning to drive a car, we need lessons.  More complicated tasks need more detailed lessons.  More lessons lead to better functioning. A free trial membership on any subject is the best of all.

A Wealthy Affiliate Free Trial Membership Provides:

Educational Assistance

Take the free trail membership.

The Edward Lowe foundation published an online article that states,

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that about 38% of small private businesses offer educational assistance to all employees, and 56% offer it to professional and technical employees.” Continue reading

Websites – Learning Tools, Earning Tools

Google reports that it hosts about 40,000 searches  every second.  This means  about 3.5 billion searches per day and about 1.2 trillion annually  worldwide.  Websites respond to all these searches.

The figures are beyond understanding when searches made outside of Google are added.

What is a Website?

Wikipedia defines a website as “….  a collection of related web pages, … Websites can be the work of an individual, a business or other organization, and are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose…. “

The trillions of internet searches made annually access those topics.


Internet searches are made to find information.

Education has adopted the internet as a primary tool for learning.  A post on the “Educational Technology and Mobile Learning” website states,

“Using websites is one of the easiest and less stressful ways of integrating technology into the classroom. There is a plethora of constantly expanding collection of resources on the web , at a variety of levels and covering an amazing array of topics.”

MOZ.com reports that there are 3 basic reasons for internet searches. People search to:

  • Do …… search to buy, help, give, etc.
  • Know ….. search to know a sports stat, state history, etc.
  • Go ….. search to find a subject on the internet.

The creators of websites do their best to attract people to their site so content is read.   Educational sites try to be interactive and exciting.  How do you build excitement in children about world history?  How does a website create enough interest for a visitor to stop, look and read.   Websites that inform need to:

Learning on websites/

  • be easy to navigate.
  • be fun and interesting.
  • build confidence.
  • be related to life.
  • be easy to find.
  • be informative and correct.

What do you want in a website?  What causes you to stop, look and read?


It is difficult to judge how many websites, of the billion plus that exist, are related to business.  “Business” can mean many things on the internet.

Today, January 20, 2017, the “Pittsburgh Post Gazette” reports that  “…. the U.S. Small Business Administration, released figures last week showing only 51 percent of small businesses have websites, despite the fact that 97 percent of consumers search for products and services online.”

The business potential of being on the internet is not yet recognized by everyone. Its estimated that $ 1 1/2 million is spent on the internet every 30 seconds.

As a consumer on the internet, I want several things.

shopping on websites.*  Security

*  Honesty

*  Quality Products and Services

*  Ease of Site Navigation


Fifteen years ago, my son announced that he was going to be spending the summer selling things on the internet.  I was upset.  I told him that very few people would buy anything on the internet.  I also said that someone who hid on the internet to sell things was probably dishonest.

What did I know?

People search for websites that will inform them.  People search for websites that will make purchasing easier.  I just searched for handmade clothing in China.  In about 1 second, I was looking at the Chinese Custom Tailor Shop in Hong Kong.  Amazing!!

Questions about Websites?

questions about websites

The quality and quantity of information offered through websites is impressive.  The variety of products and services found on websites is boundless.  But, I have questions about websites that make up the internet.


Who are we inviting into our computers as we explore websites?  Is our personal information safe.  Can a virus destroy out ability to access our saved information?  Can someone watch as we research?  Is a site trying to trick us into parting with some of our money?

In 2016, we saw computer hacks on the U.S. Department of Justice, the IRS, Premier Healthcare, several universities, Oracle, Yahoo and on and on.  If these institutions, with their security measures, are at risk, the average computer owner is very vulnerable.

Choosing a good security program is important.  As well, knowing what we are opening or viewing is equally as important.  When a website is secure, threats can be moderated.

With precautions, the value of the internet far outweighs any security risks.


Every parent is worried about the content of the websites their children visit. What values are promoted? What is the attitude toward diversity?

There are about a billion active websites world wide.  Its almost impossible to know how many promote radicalization of some kind.

Recently, the proliferation of false news stories has been the topic of national news.  There is a great deal of reading on the internet, but very little verifying of content.

Most people no difficulty telling the difference between a news article in “Time” magazine and the story about a space baby in a tabloid.  Yet, the same people believe anything they read online.

Websites are valuable because of their content. But, content needs to be evaluated and verified.

There is concern about content on websites.


Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube have changed the way we relate.  People separated by thousands of miles can see each other daily. We can watch a meal being eaten spoonful by spoonful.

This is both good and bad.  Many people limit their relationships to those they have on devices. Some people falsify who they are living virtual lives. But, friendships are rekindled.  Like minded people can easily share ideas.  Families, separated by miles, can be together.

Websites can build and strengthen relationships.  Its necessary to make sure those relationships are based on reality and honesty.


In 1970, I played “Pong” on a TV for the first time.  A little white spot moved back and forth between two lines on either side of the screen.  It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.  Today, I need to scrutinize a screen to see if its computer generated or a real video.

Educational games combine fun and learning. They reinforce what kids learn in the classroom.  Computer games can be played individually or against other people online.

Gaming on websites.The “Urban Dictionary defines “Gamers” as  “….  one who consistently spends time playing PC and/or console games, at least three to four times per week.

Online gaming can also take the form of gambling with the same fun and pitfalls of any casino game.

Online fun can take over a life.  It can also promote harmful ideas and practices.  Computer games are amazingly fun.  But content needs to be monitored.

Developing a Website

With a variety of web hosting sites, anyone can create a website.  A personal cause can be outlined to the world.  A store site can be built.  Website development is limited only by imagination.

If you have an interest in promoting an idea, creating a discussion, offering a game or selling a product, why not develop a website?  As you choose a program to build your website, think about:

  • cost
  • training
  • format
  • tech support

Look at Go Daddy, Host Gator, Site Builder and any other sites you find.

Then click the link below and compare Wealthy Affiliate.

The site “IT Business Edge” projects that the internet will

“Quadruple in Size in Next Four Years”

We need to be aware of the problems presented by access to websites. We need to take advantage of easy access to the entire world.

Take a moment to share your thoughts in the comment section below. How important is the internet in your life?  Do you have a website? How do you use the internet?

Click on any link on image for more information.

Great Idea – Certification Courses

  Give yourself a special holiday gift. Turn your great idea into an internet business.  Click any image or banner for extra information.


My Great Idea

I like bait shops because I like fishing.   I think walls of rods and lures are beautiful.  Cases of reels are exciting.  I always thought owning a bait shop would be fun.  But, I never had the time, money or location for a shop.

Then I saw this ad.

a great idea

Why not build an online bait shop?  What a great idea.

I didn’t know how to create my online shop.  But, Wealthy Affiliate University taught me how.

My Online Baitshop is:  http://fishingluremart.com

What’s Your Great Idea?


Is there a cause you support?  Do you have a talent for something?  Do you enjoy video games? Are you a great cook?

You can share your passion or interest with the world and build an online business.  Just like me.

Go to the Christmas Shopping page to understand Affiliate Marketing and to purchase great Christmas Presents from 15 retail sites on 1 site.

How Do You Do That?

Two Free Websites

The Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership gives you two free websites.  You pick your domain names.  A website shares your idea on the internet.  The websites are your online business.

Free Starter Certification Course

The 10 lesson  Getting Started (Level 1) Course ……… gets you started.


Premium Membership

A premium membership offers 4 more Certification Courses.

Premium members have access to all the tools and services offered by WA.  Starter Members sample all the tools and services.

The Premium Membership costs about 3 times what a Costco Membership costs.  That membership allows you to more money.  You don’t pay anything else to get all the WA tools and services including.

  • Certification and Affiliate Bootcamp Courses – 120 lessons
  • Live Chat with 24 hour access
  • Private Messaging
  • Multiple free websites
  • Multiple hosted websites
  • Video Trainings
  • Member Trainings
  • Member Blogging
  • Question Search Tool
  • Tech Support
  • Membership Ranking
  • Word Press Version
  • Member Website Comments
  • Member Website Feedback
  • Founder Personal Support
  • Rapid Writer Tool
  • Keyword Tool
  • Affiliate Marketing Tools
  • Referral Commissions

Its not like you will download free movies online without membership, but you will find all the training, tools and support for an internet business.

Student Support

If you have questions about a lesson or your website, animated-student-image-0023

You have a question bar ….  help-bar

You have live chat. live-chat

You have great tech support. technical-support

How Do You Start?

Start by registering.  Its free. No credit card is required.  Click this little square.  Give your name.  Enter your email.  Choose a password.  Begin.

Add a profile image and contact information.

Begin lesson 1 by clicking on the “Getting Started” link.

When Do You Start?

Why not start now.  The Starter Membership, with  2 websites and 10 lessons, is free.  Check it out.  Give it a try.  If its not for you, just stop.

But,  it works for you, as it did for me, you will build your own online business,

You have nothing to lose.

Click on any image for special purchases.

Leave a comment in the space provided below.  Do you have an idea you could share?  Would you like your own  online business?

PetSmart affiliate relationship is an internet business

Passion Equals Internet Business

I love to fish.  For me, its a passion.  When I learned that I could build an internet business around fishing, I got excited.  Running a business is fun when its a passion.

Affiliate Marketing & Your Passion

What is It?

Affiliate marketing is a popular internet business model.  For example, an affiliate of Camping World can earn commissions by advertising Camping World products.  A banner like this one links to Camping World Online.

Camping World supports a passion

How Much Does Being an Affiliate Cost?

In most cases, being an affiliate partner does not cost anything.  Each store that sets theie own commission rate for affiliate partnerships… between 8% -20%.

How Do I Become an Affiliate? affiliate-directory

On the  retailer’s home page, find the affiliate program link.  Follow that link to set up the partnership.

←    an affiliate partnership

If there is no link, that retailer does not use affiliates.  Some retailers use  3rd party sites to screen requests. An affiliate partner access links and banners or products and specials.  Links are simply copied onto a website.

Affiliate University

Are There Courses in Affiliate Marketing?

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is a web hosting site offering courses in Affiliate Marketing.  These courses cover everything from creating a website to creating traffic to the site.  There is a free Starter Membership Course of 10 Lessons.

building-traffic to my passion

How Do I Run an Affiliate Marketing Business?

WA provides tools to develop your online business.  WA members teach about dozens of online tools for running  your business.  All questions are answered.

website-tool for my passion   This link opens a person of Word Press.  Its a power too for creating and managing your website.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

The Starter Membership is free.  It gives you 2 free websites and 10 lessons.  You also have access to many of the WA tools.  A premium membership costs as little as $25 monthly.  You have access to all WA tools.
internet marketing is my passion

Your Passion 

Ask Yourself these Questions.

  • Do you have an interest or passions?
  • Would others have the same passion?
  • Could you write about your passion?
  • Are some products related to your passion?
  • Would you like extra income?
  • Would you test your passion online for free?

If you answered yes to 3 of these questions, give the WA Starter program a try.

Make a List.

  • List your 3 main interests or passions.
  • Under each, list what is interesting.
  • Next to each interesting thing, write one related product.

You have just written the rationale for an internet, affiliate marketing business.

If you listed a life long interest, you have had years to become an expert.  You can share that expertise with others of the same interest.

Free starter membership builds passion

Take a few moments to share your thoughts about what you read on this page in the comment section below.  Do you think that, with help, you could be an affiliate marketing business around one of your interests?  Share a comment on which your interests has possibilities.

Scamming or Helping – Wealthy Affiliate

For more than 10 years, Wealthy Affiliate has attracted people, from all over the world, offering  hope of wealth  through an internet, affiliate marketing business.  scamming or helpingWith this little banner, Wealthy affiliate is either scamming or helping people.

I decided to find out which is true.

Wealthy Affiliate Facts

Purpose:        Web Hosting; Affiliate Marketing Education    

                  Members:      600,000 plus          

    Options:         Starter Package – Free;  Premium  – $49/mont  

      URL:               http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=82e3604d


I Want to Know – Scamming or Helping

After stumbling on a few random reviews of Wealthy Affiliate, I decided to find out for myself if the site was a scam.  A few reviews expressed disappointment with program results while other review were thrilled.

What Does the Name Mean?

My first step was to understand the name “Wealthy Affiliate.”  Wealthy made me think of lots of money….. being rich.  I didn’t understand how “affiliate” fit.

I learned that affiliate referred to affiliate marketing.   It means being officially linked with a store to show their products on your website to earn commissions.   I remembered seeing ads on lots of sites.

As an affiliate marketer, I could earn commissions by inviting people to buy from any store to which I was an affiliate.  Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to develop a personal affiliate marketing business.


Registration was easy.  I only gave my name, email address and a password.    registration-formNo credit card was required.

A short tour of the Wealthy Affiliate site was next.  Although the site looked intimidating,  I wanted to learn more.

Start Here

After looking around the site, I clicked on the “Getting Started” button.  This opened a window with a written and a video course.  I found that there were ten lessons.  All of them were easy to follow. In one, I chose a subject for my website.  In another, I chose a website theme.  I know the courses were legit because I learned something and had a website by the tenth course.


What’s Next?

Lesson 10 explained the t premium membership.  I thought, “Here it comes.” It turned out that the premium membership was $49/ month.  This seemed to be a reasonable price for websites, lessons, tools and support.  I didn’t sign up.

It was fun to see my free website on the internet.  I couldn’t ask questions after a few days or go to the live chat because I wasn’t a premium member.  I decided  to pay the premium membership for one month.

After the month, I was convinced that Wealthy Affiliate and affiliate marketing was for me..  I had questions answered, learned from others members and took more lessons.  To save money, I  paid for a year of the premium membership.

Making a Decision

Not A Scam

I decided after the “Start Here” course, that Wealthy Affiliate is not scamming anyone.  I listed Pros and Cons to help me make a decision staying at about the Wealthy Affiliate.



                   Free Starter Membership                        Premium  $49/month

                   Good Trainings                                        Unfamiliar Terminology

                   Access to Word Press                             Starter Member Restrictions

                   Live Chat for Questions                         No Guarantee to Make Money          

                   Membership Shares Expertise

                   Free Referral Tools

                   Free Keyword Search

                   Personal Support from Ownership

                   Live Webinar Trainings   

                   In House Ranking System  

                   Personal Account Page (check out my page)

                   Instruction on Affiliate Marketing 


Premium Membership

For me, Pros far outweighed Cons. So, I became a Premium Member.  I decided to work at what I learned in the Wealthy Affiliate lessons so I bought a year’s premium membership.  I have developed two websites besides this one. http://fishingluremart.com   Because I love fishing.

http:// diagnosis – sjogrens.siterubix.com   For people with this syndrome.

My sites are a lot of work, but a lot fun.  Wealthy Affiliate did not scam me but helped me do something I really enjoy.

Who Is Wealthy Affiliate for?

Wealthy Affiliate is for everyone.  Some people want  financial freedom.  Others want a little more income.  Still others want to inform the world about their passion.

Anyone can use Wealthy Affiliate tools, training and support.


College students and retirees, business owners and workers learn through Wealthy Affiliate.

People from all over the world share the Wealthy Affiliate experience.

Make a Decision – Scamming or Helping

My suggestion is to experience the Free Starter Membership. Take the lessons and create a website.  Then, make your decision.  That’s what I did.


Wealthy Affiliate University

Take a few moments to share your thoughts about what you read on this page by writing in the comment section.  Have you joined other online programs? What was your experience?  Do you have an idea for a website?  Would you like to earn though Affiliate Marketing.

Blog Posts Build the Wealthy Affiliate Experience

Blog Posts are Important

Expertise and experience is shared in the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) community through blog posts and trainings .


The Expertise of Thousands

Every website needs a platform to “host” the site.  Wealthy Affiliates (WA) is a hosting platform.  The name refers to “affiliate marketing” or pointing readers to products and services related to site content.

WA teaches affiliate marketing.  The expertise of experienced internet entrepreneurs provides suggestions and instructions on everything from adding videos to websites to internet marketing, through blog posts.

Sharing Expertise through Blog Posts

I have no experience in affiliate marketing.  I have no expertise in developing a website.  I have been able to share helpful information through blog posts.  I have shared my writing experience, thoughts on time management and organizing emails.  Your blog posts will be important for the WA community.

What do you have to share?


thinkingSeveral Sites

WA helped me create sites discussing  subjects important to me.  This site on building an online income.

I have a site on fishing, a major passion in my life.  (Information does not need to be deep or serious.)

I am putting together sites on a medical issue, senior citizenship and  theology.

Interest and Opinion

Your interests and opinions are interesting to others.  Website content can be deep, funny, frightening, technical or absurd.  Someone will be interested in what you have to say.

How Does this Happen?

Tools and Support

WA provides all of this.  The tools and support at WA change inexperience into expertise.  Tools include:


  1. Word Presscaveman-tools
  2. Instruction on creating content
  3. Live online instruction sessions
  4. Social media access
  5. Keyword Analysis
  6. Live Chat
  7. Private Messaging
  8. A Referral System
  9. WA Rankings
  10. Website Management
  11. WA Blogging

Teach, Inform and Entertain

Your websites will teach, inform or entertain evolving with new information … new ideas.  You will enjoy sharing information on your site and  reading what others have written.

Share Your Thoughts

Take a moment to write a comment.  Let everyone know what you think about financial growth. How do your pursue your goals? What would you like to share with the world?  If you set up a website, what subject would be your focus?  How would you see yourself turning that subject into an internet business?

Take the time to see how WA can help you pursue your dreams.