Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

A Wealthy Affiliate Online Business will brighten your future.   Ask yourself a few questions right now.

Could I use extra income?

Do I have some spare time?

Can I connect to the internet?

Can I follow instructions?

Would a Free Starter program be helpful?







If you answered “yes” to 3 out of 5 of these questions, check out Wealthy Affiliate.   Just click here.

It’s Free to Try… no credit card needed. Just your name, email and a password to name your free website.  

What is a Wealthy Affiliate Online Business?

Wealthy Affiliate is a web hosting site offering you training and support to start your own online business.  A better question is:  What business can I create at Wealthy Affiliate?  You can create your business on anything that interests you using Wealthy Affiliate training.

What is an Affiliate Marketing Business Plan?

Google, Yahoo, Bing, You Tube, Paltalk and hundreds of other major websites market thousands of products for other companies.  Those sites earn commissions for marketing products.  They are affiliate marketers. 

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to become an affiliate marketer with the Starter Program mentioned above.   Through Wealthy Affiliate training and support, I started an online fishing equipment business.

Wealthy Affiliate Online Business is the best.I love to fish and with many decades of experience, I know fishing equipment.  Because of Wealthy Affiliate, I sell fishing equipment online as an affiliate marketer.  I don’t buy inventory.  There is no shipping of fishing equipment because the manufacturer does that.  I don’t have to worry about receiving money from any customers.  Best of all, I don’t get any customer complaints.

What Do I get at Wealthy Affiliate?

That’s quite a list.  If you register today,  you will be eligible for discount on all the premium services for one month so you can try them all.

To get started, just click on an image and follow these 7 steps

  1. Create your free account with your name, email and a password.
  2. Select an image to prove you aren’t a bot.
  3. Write your goals.
  4. Watch the introduction and free video classes.
  5. Choose your Free Domain Name.
  6. Create your Affiliate Marketing Business.

What are the 10 Free Video Lessons About

The Free Video Lessons are the 10 lesson course that you see below.  By the time you are done, if you have watched all the videos and done all the related practical work, you will have a great foundation for a long term and very lucrative online business.

This course teaches the Wealthy Affiliate Online Business

For me, Wealthy Affiliate was the opportunity of a lifetime.  With no experience, I created a successful online business.  You can too.  If you register through a link on this site, I will be your mentor as you create you affiliate marketing business.


Wealthy Affiliate Secrets Revealed

Wealthy Affiliate has been the most questioned business development plan on the internet. Finally, members are revealing whether WA is an MLM, a Network Marketing Scheme or a great idea.  Now, information is coming out about affiliate marketing and its impact online.  Is WA really a business training site or is it a scam?  The truth about the Wealthy Affiliate hype will shock you.  Read more or click the

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Wealthy Affiliate University – Great Income Potential

Business for Home, a site for home business owners, says that a home business starts in the U.S. every 12 seconds.   Home business income is about 427 billion yearly.  Because 4 billion people use the internet, 80% is from online income.  So, Wealthy Affiliate helps you get your part of that online income.

WA provides:

  1. A Free Trial with 2 websites and 20 business development lessons.
  2. Technical Support
  3. Personal support through Live Chat
  4. Word Press
  5.  Keyword Search
  6.  Affiliate Links and Banners
  7.  Regular on-going topic specific training
  8.  Website Feedback System
  9. Web hosting

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Free Trial Membership

Training is an important part of learning to do anything.  From learning to tie our shoes to free trial membershiplearning to drive a car, we need lessons.  More complicated tasks need more detailed lessons.  More lessons lead to better functioning. A free trial membership on any subject is the best of all.

A Wealthy Affiliate Free Trial Membership Provides:

Educational Assistance

Take the free trail membership.

The Edward Lowe foundation published an online article that states,

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that about 38% of small private businesses offer educational assistance to all employees, and 56% offer it to professional and technical employees.” Continue reading

Free Keyword Generator

Starting a business is expensive.  An internet business, may not include costs for a store front or cash register, but there are expenses.  Each expense must be examined.  Its is necessary?  Is it needed now?   A free keyword generator is a great tool for an internet business.

Click on any image or link for more information.

Why Keywords

“The primary way people find your website by searching on a search engine like Google. If you don’t have the right keywords, you won’t rank well for anything related to your website, and people won’t find you.”   Taken from: An inbound now.com post by David Wells; May, 2013

In an August, 2013 article, Yola.com stated,

Keywords are very important for every business website … theydrive targeted web traffic to your business for free. … Keywords are the words and phrases that Internet users type into search box of a search engine … to find what websites that match what are looking for.” Continue reading

Live Chats

A search of the term “live chats”, in google, brings up 12 chat rooms on the first page of choices alone.  These rooms includes rooms related to age.  There were rooms about marital status.  There were rooms about faith and about sex. These didn’t include the giants like Paltalk and AOL.

Why Live Chats?

Computers help live chats.

Common Interests

People discuss everything from personal faith to sports in chat rooms.  There are rooms for people who are like minded.  These can create conversations on the subtleties of the topics.  Who is the best quarter-back over the last 20 years?  What does a tithe actually mean.  Should we use sugar or a sugar substitute.  What is the best time to fish for catfish?  These are not trivial opinions among people who share a common interest. Continue reading

Asking Questions – Always Makes Sense

If you want to begin an online business, you need to be asking questions.

Did you know that there are almost 100 times as many frequently asked questions on bed bugs on the internet as there are frequently asked about online business?  People don’t ask enough questions before starting an online business.

Click any image or link below for more information.

Why Online Business? 

asking questions about business

There are thousands of successful “brick and mortar” businesses.  Some are franchises.  Some are huge box stores.  Others are small businesses.  They all have operating costs such as:

  • Office space costs
  • Equipment costs
  • Janitorial Costs
  • Maintenance costs
  • Employee Costs
  • Marketing Costs
  • Inventory Costs
  • Office supply costs
  • Government Operation Costs
  • Local Business  Operation Costs

That’s a long list of costs.  Every $ goes to those costs before profits.

Online Business reduces costs.

  • Office space is usually in the home and often is a tax write off.
  • Equipment already in the home can be used.
  • The family is the janitorial service.
  • There are usually no extra maintenance costs.
  • There are usually no employees.
  • Marketing on the internet can be done at no cost.
  • Businesses can be run with no inventory.
  • There are minimal office supply costs.
  • Government fees still do not apply to internet businesses.

Internet business are popular because they have low overhead and a world wide customer base.  

Asking questions about online business.

Asking Questions About Any Online Business Opportunity is Important

You should be asking questions about an online business before jumping in.

Question #1:  What Kind of Business Do I Want?

Ask, “Does this business interest me?”   Working with your interest or passion doesn’t seem like work.  List a few of your interests.  Can you build a business around one?

I built my business on something I love, fishing.

Question #2:  How Much Time will the Business Take?

Some opportunities involve weekly meetings.  Some require ongoing training.  Other require many hours to recruit.  Some opportunities ask you to figure out how much time you can commit.

Of course, the more time you can put into a business, the faster it will grow.

A business should not have a negative impact on your life.  No time, may mean this is not the right time for an online business.

Question #3: How Much will the Business Cost?

There are free starter programs with upgrades.  Start up costs can range from $25 up to $500.  There can be “up sells”  like literature or sales kits.  There can be optional services to purchase.  Still other opportunities are completely free.

Know the actual cost of each opportunity.

Question #4: How Much Can I Earn?

This is not the most important question.  It doesn’t have an answer.   Earnings are always unpredictable. If a business opportunity promises you riches, its probably not real.

Question # 5:  What Do I have to Do?

This is a better question than #3.  You are asking, “What is this business?” Find out exactly what happens in the business.  You may not want to do it.

You might have to lead meetings for recruits.  You might have to answer dozens of questions.  You might have to build a website.  You might have to write articles.  Do you want to do it?

This goes back to question #1.  If you aren’t interested, don’t do it.

If its something completely new to you, you may want to give it a try.

Question # 6: Is There a Support System

Sometimes, you are alone in a business.  Other programs offer some training and then you are on your own.  Some have sponsors that work with you for a period of time.  Some programs offer continuing courses by program developers and program members.  In some programs, your support system receives a bit of compensation from your earnings.

Technical support is very important.  How easy is it to get technical help if your business site goes down?  Can you ask someone technical questions?

You should feel comfortable asking questions about program support.

I am asking questions about online business.

Questions Answered? – Take the Opportunity

 If you like all 6 answers, give the opportunity a try.

My Recommendation

I made a list of what I wanted in an online business.

  • Free Trial ….. Optional Upgrade
  • Something that Interested Me
  • Good Training
  • Something that Fit into My Time
  • No costly upgrades
  • No costly Inventory
  • Something New to Try
  • Great Support
  • A Way to Make Money

I have looked at dozens of internet business opportunities and tried a few.

Wealthy Affiliate Met All My Requirements

  • I could build my business around my interest…. fishing.
  • I could work as much or as little as I wanted.
  • I could make money.
  • I could get all the training I wanted.
  • I didn’t need inventory.
  • I didn’t have to buy anything extra.
  • I could get great support

Earn Through Affiliate Marketing

Ever wondered, “Affiliate marketing what is it?”  No? That’s probably why you don’t have an affiliate marketing business yet.

asking questions on affiliate marketing

Just go to Yahoo.  Every ad you see is an affiliate marketing ad.   You can do that.  The ads will be on your site.  You will earn the commissions.

Take a Look at the WA Training

asking questions about fishing

asking questions about this business

Take a Look at WA Website Hosting

asking questions about hosting.

Wealthy Affiliate offers all the training, support and tools you need to build a successful online business.  

Take a moment to leave a comment about this page.  Would you like to start and online business?  What questions do you have?  

this banner helps asking questions about WA

Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC asking questions

Best Online Business – 5 Steps to Success

Dozens of websites promise Financial Freedom.  They all use one of 6 business models ….. Affiliate Marketing, Direct Sales, Gaming, MLMs, Surveys and Shopping.  Which is the best online business model?


 Click any image or link below for more information.   

Follow these 5 Steps to Financial Freedom 

Step 1.  Choose the Best Online Business Model for You.

As you research the 6 business models, remember that a good online business needs:

  • low overhead
  • low cost or no inventory
  • no personnel recruiting
  • no profit sharing
  • passive income
  • multiple earning opportunities

Spoiler Alert: Affiliate Marketing meets all the above.

Continue reading

Great Idea – Certification Courses

  Give yourself a special holiday gift. Turn your great idea into an internet business.  Click any image or banner for extra information.


My Great Idea

I like bait shops because I like fishing.   I think walls of rods and lures are beautiful.  Cases of reels are exciting.  I always thought owning a bait shop would be fun.  But, I never had the time, money or location for a shop.

Then I saw this ad.

a great idea

Why not build an online bait shop?  What a great idea.

I didn’t know how to create my online shop.  But, Wealthy Affiliate University taught me how.

My Online Baitshop is:  http://fishingluremart.com

What’s Your Great Idea?


Is there a cause you support?  Do you have a talent for something?  Do you enjoy video games? Are you a great cook?

You can share your passion or interest with the world and build an online business.  Just like me.

Go to the Christmas Shopping page to understand Affiliate Marketing and to purchase great Christmas Presents from 15 retail sites on 1 site.

How Do You Do That?

Two Free Websites

The Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership gives you two free websites.  You pick your domain names.  A website shares your idea on the internet.  The websites are your online business.

Free Starter Certification Course

The 10 lesson  Getting Started (Level 1) Course ……… gets you started.


Premium Membership

A premium membership offers 4 more Certification Courses.

Premium members have access to all the tools and services offered by WA.  Starter Members sample all the tools and services.

The Premium Membership costs about 3 times what a Costco Membership costs.  That membership allows you to more money.  You don’t pay anything else to get all the WA tools and services including.

  • Certification and Affiliate Bootcamp Courses – 120 lessons
  • Live Chat with 24 hour access
  • Private Messaging
  • Multiple free websites
  • Multiple hosted websites
  • Video Trainings
  • Member Trainings
  • Member Blogging
  • Question Search Tool
  • Tech Support
  • Membership Ranking
  • Word Press Version
  • Member Website Comments
  • Member Website Feedback
  • Founder Personal Support
  • Rapid Writer Tool
  • Keyword Tool
  • Affiliate Marketing Tools
  • Referral Commissions

Its not like you will download free movies online without membership, but you will find all the training, tools and support for an internet business.

Student Support

If you have questions about a lesson or your website, animated-student-image-0023

You have a question bar ….  help-bar

You have live chat. live-chat

You have great tech support. technical-support

How Do You Start?

Start by registering.  Its free. No credit card is required.  Click this little square.  Give your name.  Enter your email.  Choose a password.  Begin.

Add a profile image and contact information.

Begin lesson 1 by clicking on the “Getting Started” link.

When Do You Start?

Why not start now.  The Starter Membership, with  2 websites and 10 lessons, is free.  Check it out.  Give it a try.  If its not for you, just stop.

But,  it works for you, as it did for me, you will build your own online business,

You have nothing to lose.

Click on any image for special purchases.

Leave a comment in the space provided below.  Do you have an idea you could share?  Would you like your own  online business?

PetSmart affiliate relationship is an internet business

Skeptical about the Internet, Anyone?

 Are You Skeptical about the Internet?


The internet is an amazing tool.  I am skeptical about information I find there.   I spent more hours searching for books in the library, in school, than I did in class.  I would get to the right library shelf place and find that the book was already checked out.

Research used to be tedious and difficult.

Information on anything is available, on the internet,  with just a few key strokes.  But, what can you believe?

Can You Believe What You Read?

skeptic         I am skeptical about what I find on the internet.  An offer about fast money turns me off faster than a mouse click.  When someone tells me to check out this site or that video,  I usually offer a non-committed, “I’ll look at it.”  I usually don’t.

When I to  look at  Wealthy Affiliate (WA), I had the same response.  But because developing a website was completely new to me, I decided to check it out.  Why not check out a free program about earning money online?

my computerFree Websites and Instruction

I had nothing to loose by checking out two free websites and a course on developing those sites  . No one would have my credit card.

As an internet skeptic, I tend to expect information to be inaccurate or deceptive.  Claims are exaggerated.  This is what I anticipated with WA.

I began the “Starter Membership taking all the lessons.  To my surprise, I  built a website. … for free.   Finding my site, was exciting.   I was open for business.

I am not Skeptical about WA



As a skeptic, I have found that WA  to be legitimate offering a free membership that leads to an internet business.  There is great support from thousands of participants and continuing guidance from experienced people.

 Changing My Skepticism to Action

I built a website on fishing which is fun.  Then I developed this site which is more practical.  I have plans for two other sites.

Sometimes there is no one more obnoxious that a converted skeptic.  I don’t want to be obnoxious, but I am a converted WA skeptic.    Take a look.  Give it a try.

Please comment on your thoughts about this post or share your experience in the comment section below.