Passive Income, Easy Income, Steady Income

Passive income is money earned from work that is already done.  Many people think “Passive Income Easy Incomes Steady Income” because there is no need for constant work.  But choosing the right passive income generator leads to success.

passive income is money earned on work already done

Passive Income Generators – pros & cons


Stocks and Bonds

Stocks and Bonds are a great source of passive income.  You are basically lending money to the company providing the stock or bond to do their business.  So, this is called investing.  If the business does well, the investor can make money.  But, if the business does poorly, the investor can loose money.  Because, there are hundreds of different stocks and bonds available, reputable companies assist in understanding and investing in these passive income tools.


  1. You can buy lots of stocks and bonds.
  2. You can hire companies to help make passive income.
  3. You can easily track your income.
  4. You can use passive income earned for any purpose.


    1. Usually, you will need large amounts of money to make good passive income.
    2. You may not understand stocks and bonds.

Passive income is money earned from work that is already done

  1. The companies who help people understand stocks and bonds charge fees.
  2. You cannot control the amount of income made or lost by a stock or bond.  i
  3. It can take a long time to earn passive income.
  4. You can loose income very quickly.

Angel Investing

Angel investing is lending a small, start-up company money to help them build business. angel investment is passive income This is a new idea.  The companies are not in the stock market.  Because invested money helps the company take off, investors are angels for help these start-ups.


  1. You can invest any amount of money.
  2. If the company grows, the passive income can be huge.
  3. Investor’s often help with decisions in these small companies


  1. The risk is high because the companies are new.
  2. You may have difficulty know which companies to help.
  3. You may have to wait a very long time before any passive income is made.

The Question Remains – Is Passive Income, Easy Income, Steady Income?

Direct Online Sales


Direct online sales involve selling a product or service directly from a website.  Because all sales are online, the buyer finds the product or service and purchases from the website.  However, there are several different types of direct online sales programs.  Multi level marketing is one method of direct sales.  Any subscription plan for a service offered onlines is direct online sales.  Websites that sell specific products are also examples.


  1. Customers buy at the website 24 hours a day.
  2. You can easily add new products and services to the website.
  3. You can easily track the business to make changes as necessary.


  1. You will probably need help to develop the website.
  2. You will have to continuously direct customers to the website.
  3. You will need inventory.
  4. A system for receiving payments and making refunds is necessary.
  5. You will have to ship products.
  6. Site security and reliability are often an issue


Affiliate Marketing

affiliate marketing is a type of direct online sales
Affiliate marketing is selling products for companies on line for a commission.  Adds run on sites like Google, Yahoo, Paltalk, are all affiliate marketing.



  1. The is no inventory.
  2. No payments are made to the website.
  3. Products and services that can be offered are unlimited.
  4. Anyone with a website can do it.
  5. There is no shipment of products.
  6. Products can be targeted to a specific audience.
  7. Products can easily be added.
  8. There is very little cash outlay because there is no inventory or shipping.
  9. Website security can be guaranteed.
  10. Business is easily  tracked.


  1. A website is needed.
  2. Help is probably need to develop the website.

They all provide passive income, easy income, steady income.

But, some of these methods are risky.  Some take a long time to make money.  Some are hard to understand and require professional help for success.  Affiliate marketing seems to be the least risky and the least expensive.  Its used by major online companies and is available to the average person right now.

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