Earn Online Building Your Financial Freedom

 “Earn online” means different things to different people.  To me, it means building financial freedom.


Earn Online Rather Than On Site

Exploring Online


There was no internet when I started working in 19something.  The term “earn online” did not exist.  I was cuttings 10 lawns a week, in my neighborhood. when I was 12 years old.  In high school, I found an after school job at a small corner store for extra income.  I recently retired after 55 years of full time work, part time work and two jobs at a time work.  After retiring as the CEO of a California based company,  I wanted to keep working doing something completely new to me, but completely on my terms.  I decided to explore earning online.

Learn to Use WordPress

Online Job Search

I am competent with canned computer programs from word processing to data manipulation, but I never had the time or inclination to learn to build a website or, for that matter, spend much time online.  A discussion with a friend prompted me to think about trying to do some kind of work online.  I looked at a number of online opportunities from writing book reviews to quality assurance opportunities, but found nothing interesting enough for me to commit any of my retirement time.

Wealthy Affiliate

I stumbled on Wealthy Affiliate (WA) and was intrigued.  After taking the free course on website development, spending time implementing the course on Word Press and computer-and-money-signsexperiencing an unbelievable amount of support, I decided to earn online, at home, on websites I developed.

Work with Your Passion

My Passion

Fishing, any kind of fishing, is a passion of mine.  I love to be outdoors.  I love to be in the water, on the water or near the water be it stream, river, ocean, lake or pond.  WA taught me how to put together  my love of fishing and what I learned about developing websites to build an income online working at my desk, in my office at home.

Learning Through WA

It didn’t matter that I had no idea how to build or manage a website.  WA helped me through every step of the process. I know my fishing site  isn’t particularly deep (Sorry. I couldn’t help the pun.), but I am planning a few sites on more important subjects once I know what I am doing.


Work with Your Interests

If you have an interest, WA can help you build a website.  If you can’t think of a subject, WA will help you find a subject and build a website.  Its interesting, fun and profitable.

Activate your free membership and see what I found.

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